Wednesday, April 16, 2008

into the excited scientist

the novel never reads itself.

notes on soap-tops will formalize the reflections which are inside and only without death. And they come in comfortable quads (quad beats tri) to attain the sanctity only available at thirteen dollars a pop and with proper introduction and cohesion along the strict parallelism with within which the moral weight flutters: in the stretch-ing ocsilla-tion engineer-ing away from the blunt smokelessness of mis-exist-tential utilitiz-ing. They're only wings, they're only feathers, they're only fibers because the buffered compression of era permits and elicits flight, species, ecology zippered within organismization in conjunction and stepping determinated pace.

Meanwhile the daily struggle of the American people, absorbing the resultsof the power abuses by the rich, powerful and corporate, continues outsidethis inbred force field of insipid coverage and commentary.

human beings are human beings being human beings being, interested continuous be, a be that does continuously, earning itself the suffix. the human stays strong before the being, the human doesn't need nuthin to prove to nobody this side of needing to be, nosireee. human cuts down the ground with the guitar gut shot and tough guys the heeman concussion. humans doesn't isn't wasn't couldn't hasn't ya got it and leave it be not being at all alone. not interested! IN BEING!!!!! Not interested human! Human not interested, human leave me alone, human stop typing human what do you think you do human? YOU:RE DOING HUMAN WHAT? HUMAN WHY?? WHY?

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