Tuesday, February 19, 2008

letter to the editor of the star tribune

This letter is written from an email from move on dot org, encouraging and then basically setting me down in front of this interface, from where I can choose which paper to contact and then enter text. The subject is the Iraq war and the trend of exponential military spending, which of course I do feel is completely out of control, believing that all violence is hegemonic and, since it seems that money is all that anybody really wants to worry about, simply wasteful. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the sun will only come up tomorrow if the great fortress of our government continues to build bombs, so we can be fierce, and so everybody outside our borders, everybody in our crosshairs trembles and cries out and says "yes, yes, please allow me to be free, please give me my 12 hours and my shitty schools, please give me everything I'm supposed to want and a new reason everyday to hate a distant, lurking evil." This Internet interface even gives me talking points, which include the accumulation of the national debt, as well as the squeezing of domestic programs like education, affordable housing, health care programs, ECT. This money is lost in as much as it does not increase our safety through the accumulation of things set aside, devoted to kill the poor. My question is: why are the poor people of foreign countries like Iraq getting all this murderous attention? It's not like the American poor aren't making a huge racket of their own about poverty. It's time our military brought their lessons of brutal justice home- if we're spending all of these funds on violent might and magnificence (because clearly there will always be an even more convenient way to murder the defenseless)- then let's use it where it counts, right here at home. If we're going to spend more money on bombs than we have since ol' dubya dubya two, then I want one on every street corner and in every establishment- if everyone just put down their worries and started REALLY putting their backs into it, we could have every half block of this city wired to detonate at the push of five or six buttons. I think I speak for America when I say I want tangible results, and if the only thing that can be accomplished is bloodshed then let's not be so discriminatory, let's share this wealth of death with our neighbors.

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