Thursday, April 17, 2008

god bless another exhibition

Between this and thelast page was 24 hours of sleep, sex, motion, digestion, spectation, the final silence in the great abundance of the world no wordlessness, sipping bitterness, pulling way, away and also a piano, why not, earlier a drum set that hovers between desire and reality and here also the tenuous balance of this silence- the measurements analyzed in silence, in silence and appearing a piano- now, mr Satie- the silence perhaps which I should announce, between these soft movement of spiderlike agility, this scratching into a plane of distances, of accuracy, and each target becomes purpose.
What raggin’ tangly temptation, what if a voice is greater than itself? And the balance to this attentive texture would Shepard, the great harvester of animals, by the cooperation, of multiple movements operated in syncopated opposition, were this elegance advocated unto each operative of the physical plane, what fantasy which provides itself selection, what rhythm now the footsteps would affirm, in the great volumes of breaths, how thoughts through this balance may equip, to which every story is always and already within itself- now could one accept such mystification? what, tell me, escapes such triviality? and you may ask whether one must not respond to the control, would any other image not also presuppose reflection of distance insufficient, scale and my love of great scale- before where fish in medium, in uniform space, in not this space which my honesty provides the tissue structure liquefies my mind too much- just these wearied notes, this movement of intensified nonmovement in the quiet of a vibration, if those can offer an oppositional inevitability- to live once beyond the external, yes, - in what dangerous acts shall I scandalize my sister, where such inevitabilities must exist,

How much can I hold onto the past, is what I’m asking, where the distribution of yourself must indicate value, if not among the exchange of consciousnesses, than within the great untouchability in the voided dimension in physical deconstruction, to this that which exist without oneself, the great intricacy affirming all intentionality, skating between heartbeats in abundance, blue eyed just as wordless as anything- like a silent cry in the cheerful familiarity of TARGET, the banner above which recognizes itself in your own, to return again to the waters of mystification, but only at the onset
Or in the moment of your copelessness, the movement in my mind more and more just also meditated into that which cannot, where also must I disenchant myself in that absence in adjacent realities.

Mankind, I must intervene in this way,

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

into the excited scientist

the novel never reads itself.

notes on soap-tops will formalize the reflections which are inside and only without death. And they come in comfortable quads (quad beats tri) to attain the sanctity only available at thirteen dollars a pop and with proper introduction and cohesion along the strict parallelism with within which the moral weight flutters: in the stretch-ing ocsilla-tion engineer-ing away from the blunt smokelessness of mis-exist-tential utilitiz-ing. They're only wings, they're only feathers, they're only fibers because the buffered compression of era permits and elicits flight, species, ecology zippered within organismization in conjunction and stepping determinated pace.

Meanwhile the daily struggle of the American people, absorbing the resultsof the power abuses by the rich, powerful and corporate, continues outsidethis inbred force field of insipid coverage and commentary.

human beings are human beings being human beings being, interested continuous be, a be that does continuously, earning itself the suffix. the human stays strong before the being, the human doesn't need nuthin to prove to nobody this side of needing to be, nosireee. human cuts down the ground with the guitar gut shot and tough guys the heeman concussion. humans doesn't isn't wasn't couldn't hasn't ya got it and leave it be not being at all alone. not interested! IN BEING!!!!! Not interested human! Human not interested, human leave me alone, human stop typing human what do you think you do human? YOU:RE DOING HUMAN WHAT? HUMAN WHY?? WHY?